5 anmeldelser forAlmo Nature Cat Litter
Last opp ditt produktbilde20.01.25|Sylwia
Best litter I've ever used
I've used many types/brands in my 10 years with cats. Bentonite, silicone, wood, paper, soy. This one is terribly expensive, but i thought I'll try it. After over a week of using it, I can honestly say this is the best. It clumps very effectively using little product. It doesn't have dust that hurts lungs. It spreads, but a mat contains it well. It keeps the smells, so cleaning isn't bad at all. The bags are pretty small, but I haven't yet refilled and I have 2 cats, so 500kr a month might be ok
Expensive, but works very well
It clumps really well, traps odor well and isn't very dusty. Cats love it! Spreads all through your house unless you keep on top of it. I have a robot vaccume, so it worked well for me, but if I don't run the vaccume twice a day it gets everywhere. Pretty expencive per use compared to many other brands. Recommended for people who can afford it and either has a robot vaccume or doesn't mind sweeping a lot. Not flushable in most places. Here in Norway for example it's not allowed to flush litter.
Ny favoritt!
Kjøpte det av nysgjerrighet, men tror jeg aldri kommer til å bruke noe annet fremover.
25.12.22|Lill-Iren Johansen
Great sand. No smell. stops smell and No dust.
Does the cats bring some along with them outside the bin? Yes, but honestly it only takes a few seconds to sweep your floor around the bin. Pee becomes a solid brick quickly. Says you can flush it but id be scared for my pipes. Maybe brake it up some before flushing if you are scared of clogging.
Pus digger denne sanden
Hadde litt problemer med at pus tisset i sofaen, og jeg mistenkte etterhvert at hun ikke likte PeeWee-pelletsen. Etter at jeg gikk over til Almo Nature, har hun vært mye mer fornøyd med å bruke kassen sin. Og jeg er fornøyd med at klumpene kan skylles ned i do, og ikke støver slik som mye annen kattesand gjør.